LAPIS 2019: La Plata International School on Astronomy and Geophysics

Inverse methods in geophysics

La Plata, Argentina, 8-12 April 2019

Prof. Mauricio Sacchi

Mauricio D Sacchi graduated from the National University of La Plata and he completed Doctoral and postdoctoral studies at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is a professor of geophysics at the University of Alberta since 1997 and head of the Physics department since 2010. He directs the Signal Analysis and Imaging Group, a consortium for research in the area of applied seismology. He was Editor of the Geophysics magazine in the period 2015-2017.

Prof. Juan Afonso

Juan Carlos Afonso is the current Head of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Macquarie University. After graduating with a PhD in theoretical geophysics at Carleton University in late 2006, he undertook postdoctoral research at the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC, Barcelona) on the development of new methods to study the thermal and compositional structures of the lithospheric/sublithospheric upper mantle. He subsequently joined Macquarie University in 2009 as part of the recruitment program CoRE (Concentration of Research Excellence). His background is in theoretical and computational geophysics/geodynamics and his interests span many different geophysical, geochemical and geological methods and processes. His current research integrates different disciplines such as mineral physics, potential field modelling, thermodynamics, nonlinear inversion and physics of the mantle in general, to explore and improve our understanding of plate tectonics.

Prof. Niklas Linde

Niklas Linde received his PhD (2005) in geophysics from Uppsala University in Sweden. During his PhD studies, he spent one year as a guest at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He then spent one year at CNRS-CEREGE in France before he joined the Institute of Geophysics at ETHZ as a postdoctoral researcher in 2006. After close to two years at ETHZ, he moved to the University of Lausanne to become assistant professor in Environmental Geophysics before receiving tenure as associate professor in 2013 at the same University. His general research direction lies in the development of novel approaches to combine geophysical and hydrological data for improved subsurface hydrological characterization and process understanding. Presently, his primary research interest relates to probabilistic inversion and uncertainty quantification of natural subsurface systems and ranking of competing conceptual models using geophysical data.

Prof. Douglas Oldenburg

Douglas W. Oldenburg is professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) since 1987, holding the Senior Keevil Chair in Mineral Exploration. He is also Director of the UBC Geophysical Inversion Facility, established in 1990, where pioneer research was performed, such as the inversion of source frequency domain EM data from multiple transmitters for mineral applications and 3D inversion for ZTEM (Z-axis Tipper Electromagnetics). He was selected as a SEG Distinguished Lecturer, and also held, among other numerous courses, the 2017 SEG Distinguished Instructor Short Course: Geophysical Electromagnetics: Fundamentals and Applications.